Simple Book Review for Kids

Book readings are so fun and are great opportunities to share your book with your ideal audience. I write children’s books and enjoy reading to kids and watching them enjoy what they’re hearing.

At one of my book readings at a local day school, I checked with the kindergarten teacher to see if it would be okay for them to complete a book review. This is a great activity for children as they start to learn and develop in their reading but also in analyzing and assessing what they have read. The teacher was all for it and so I created a simple, easy review for them to do.

So after I did my book reading, they all filled the reviews out and the teacher sent them home with me. They were so adorable and so sweet! Seeing their drawings on what their favorite part was and that the book made them feel happy brought me so much joy and encouragement! It helped me know that my ideal audience, children, enjoyed and loved my book.

Below you can see some of their reviews and see how well it was used.

If you would like to use this printable for any of your future book events, sang it for FREE by filling out the info below and you’ll be able to instantly print or download it.


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